BBL Forever Clear
BroadBand Light (BBL)M is the world’s most powerful IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) device on the market. It sets new standards in treating skin conditions associated with ageing, active life styles, and sun damage. BBL has the ability to provide dermal renewal, permanent hair reduction, and the treatment of pigmented lesions, vascular lesions, and acne.
Achieve significant skin improvements non-invasively with BBL. Consistent and reproducible clinical results make BBL a highly desired advanced treatment. BBL uses broad-spectrum visible and infrared light to selectively heat layers of skin, getting rid of undesired pigmentation, redness and other unwanted conditions.
  • This non- invasive treatment delivers BroadBand Light to the epidermis and dermis, stimulating changes in skin tone, texture, elasticity and pigmentation – with visible, long-lasting improvement after just one treatment.
  • Zero patient downtime.
  • Improvement the appearance of sun damage, and other signs of ageing skin.


  • Skin Rejuvenation (Forever Young+ and Forever Body)
  • Pigmentation – Freckles and Age Spots (Forever Young+ and Forever Body)
  • Vascular Lesion – Cherry Angiomas, Telangiectasia (Forever Young+ and Forever Body)
  • Rosacea (Forever Young+ and Forever Body)
  • Skin Laxity on Face and Body (SkinTyte)
  • Acne (Forever Clear)
  • Hair Reduction (Forever Bare)


Skin Tyte is a treatment that delivers and advanced infra-red light to deeply heat your skin while cooling and protecting the entire surface at the same time. Light energy is distributed in rapid, gentle pulses to initiate the body’s natural healing process, which leads to improved appearance of sagging skin.


Skin Tyte treatments are safe for all skin types and can be performed on any area of the body where an improvement in the appearance of sagging skin is desired. Popular areas include the face, neck, abdomen and arms.  


Skin Tyte is a generally quick, comfortable procedure, with typically no downtime. The end result is a youthful appearance


Forever Clear BBL is a cutting-edge acne treatment that uses the power of light to comfortably and effectively clear acne without creams or medicine.

How It Works?

Step 1 – Skin is first treated with BLUE BBL light to eliminate acne-causing bacteria at its source, deep down in the pores.

Step 2 – Skin is then treated with YELLOW BBL light to reduce the inflammation and acne-associated redness to give you healthy, luminous skin.

Step 3 – For added benefits, the skin is then treated with INFRA-RED light in rapid, gentle pulses to initiate the body`s natural healing process.

Before & After

This Service is Offered at Following Location

Latrobe Terrace, QLD

Dr Umed & Ageless Cosmetic and Laser Clinic, 131 Latrobe Terrace
Paddington QLD 4064 Australia

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